NATURAL MYSTIC invited young people to reflect on Europe recent environmental and social issues, and observe the special impact between them. The project took place in a natural environment in Spain, in October, 2012. Lasted ten days full of activities, workshops and events in relation to ecology and social awareness, with 25 young people from five European countries.

The project provided possibility for discussion and sharing of problems that affect each of our countries as well as globally, proposing solutions. A compact group was created working as a team, united by a common purpose and willing to work for a better world. That values allow youngsters to grow as individuals, directly involved in issues affecting today's society, becoming active and true European citizens who believe in a better and more respectful world. 

The project's main objective was to give young people tools to raise public awareness on target issue. This message was broadcasted in an entertaining way, with non-formal education, developing ourselves new ways of communicating and disseminating a message transmitted from the optimism.

The project took place in a natural environment in Spain with 25 young people from five European (Romania, Denmark, Italy, Spain and Hungary). The project provided possibility for discussion and sharing of problems that affect each of our countries as well as globally, proposing solutions. The project's main objective was to give young people tools to raise public awareness on target issue. This message was broadcasted in an entertaining way, with non-formal education, developing ourselves new ways of communication.