The Garbage Dreams received Sozial Marie Award

The initiative supporting innovative social projects gave a prize to the Garbage Dreams beside other international innovators on its ceremony on the 1st May. In front of the scene of the ceremony – the Radio Kulturhaus in Vienna -  some members of our groups waited for the invited people and the passers with an interactive game. Everybody left a trace, when we have drawn around his/her feet on the ground, and afterwards they were able to write on the pavement what they are doing for a better World.  For the ones, who shared with the street what they contribute to make the World a better place, we gave seed bombs as presents, which they can put in any concrete crack, water it, in order to make greener their community spaces.

Thanks to the prize, we will invite soon the 'Garbagedreamers' for making a street action again.

More information about the prize winners >>>